Our Educational Portal solution that allow Schools and other Educational institutions to affordably, quickly and easily acquire Internet Presence and also provide Online Portal Services for checking Student Term Results, Attendance, Admission Application and much more to their students, parents and guardians without any headache.
The Educational Portal solution, aptly named EduPOS, provides your school with a website and school portal that is a genuine, full-featured educational portal beyond the mere checking of student term results.
Cost, usability, accessibility and functionality have been important factors that have prevented several schools and educational institutions from having their desired school website with the appropriate school portal integrated. An additional discouraging risk factors is having to pay to commission a website design and portal development that take several months to develop and then eventually fall below the expectations of the school. All these are not issues at all with our Educational Portal solution and EduPOS. You can easily have a taste of what you are getting before you sign up fully and not waste any money on promises and fantasies.
Key Product Differentiators
Some of the key differentiating qualities and unique selling points for the EduPOS solution includes the following:
Affordable Pricing
Whether you are a Big or Small School, with EduPOS you can get a School Website and Portal at practically zero cost to you without worries. Talk to us today to know how we do it.
Flexible and Adaptable
The Education Portal solution offers support for scratch cards, vouchers and online payment. You also get your unique website with your logo and school colours all adapted to your desired style.
Quick and Fast Setup
With EduPOS you can get your school website and portal running within 48 hours of signing up with us. Get your desired results quickly without any story-telling or delays!
Product and Solution Features
Some of the features that come with the portal include but not limited to the following:
- Results Checker
Students and their parents can check End of Term Exam Results online and print from anywhere they are. - Admission Application
Online admission application and processing for prospective students to your school. - Online Tests & Exams
Students can take Computer-Based Tests and Exams set by their teachers on the school portal. - Integrated Messaging
Multiple messaging options including bulk and custom SMS and emails to parents and teachers - Attendance Management
Parents get access to the Student Class Attendance information without having to wait for the End of Term Report. - Other Great Features
Holiday Assignments, Notice Board, School Calendar, Time Table, Teachers Directory and many more.
For more information about EduPOS Educational Portal solution, how it can be of benefit to your school and how you can sign up for it, you can visit the EduPOS Product website on https://www.edupos.com