A good number of high profile private schools go to great lengths to ensure that their students are comfortable. They ensconce them in air-conditioned classes, serve them three-course meals for lunch, put them on international excursion trips and many more.
However, if you ask some of them about their teacher development programmes and education quality assurance procedures, you draw a blank. Typically private schools have a much higher level of teacher turn-over compared to Government schools and that serves as a discouragement to invest in the development of these teachers. On the other side too, teacher loyalty to private schools are hardly a given.

In the midst of this divide, schools with appropriate insightful leadership have come to understand that a compromise must be reached if the interest of students are to be considered paramount. Students feed off teachers and teachers cannot give what they do not have. Whatever the teacher gets in the area of knowledge development eventually gets back to the students. A school does only consist of the structures but much more about the quality of knowledge being imparted to the students. While it is understandable that teachers leave with their knowledge when they stop offering their services to the school or have their services terminated, the benefits of having well-trained teachers and a good staff capacity development programme cannot be over-emphasized. Despite the risk of staff turn-over, the best companies in the world have good employee development and staff welfare programmes that encourage these employees to give their best to the companies. This is an important lesson that schools have to learn.

If you school has a very high teacher turnover and that to you, is discouraging you from investing in teachers, then you really have a challenge that needs to be addressed.
For schools having these and other challenges relating to teachers and their capacity development, EasiPREP offers teacher training and consultancy services to help you turn these challenges around. It is high time that schools understood that developing their teachers is indirectly developing their students and the reverse also applies!

You can contact us using information available on our Contact Us page to start on the right path to helping you students by having well-trained and motivated teachers.